Introduction to Tools and Techniques in Computer Science

Practice Questions

Zoey Kitt

Question 1

Match the symbols with what they do:

  1. >
  2. <
  3. >>
  4. |
  5. 2>
  1. Pipe standard output from one program to another program’s standard input
  2. Redirect standard error output (in some shells)
  3. Redirect standard output to a file and overwrite it
  4. Redirect standard output to a file and append to it
  5. Redirect standard input to be from a file

Question 2

What is stored in file.txt after the following commands are run? Think about what each command does, and think back to Fortnight 6 of COMP 1002 to figure out how you’d learn more about each. You may need to log on to Aviary to see the contents of /usr/share/dict/words.

echo "hello " > file.txt
head -10 /usr/share/dict/words | grep 's$' | wc -l >> file.txt