Many courses require you to submit your work to assignment folders on UM Learn.
Some computer science courses will require you to submit your work
using a tool called handin
that can be run on any computer
managed by the Department of Computer Science at the U of M, for
example, all computers in Aviary. You’re only required to use
if your course instructor tells you to use
Handing in work with handin
is straightforward and you
need to know a few things:
The course number is always the numeric part of the course name in
courses (e.g., COMP 1010 is 1010
The name of the assignment or work you’re turning in is something
that your instructor sets up and will tell you, but is commonly
for assignments, where X is the assignment number (e.g.,
The folder containing your work is something you made with
or by copying your work to the remote computer.
To start, open your terminal, then connect to Aviary. Once you’re
connected to a bird machine in Aviary, find the directory that you want
to submit and use the handin
command to turn in your
I want to turn in my COMP 2150 assignment. My instructor has told me
that the name of the assignment for handin
. I have put my work into a folder named
. To hand in my work, I would run
handin 2150 assignment1 comp2150-a1
When I run this, handin
provides me with a report
telling me when the work was submitted:
handin: Time Stamp: Thu Jul 7 15:16:44 2022
Submitter: fbristow@cormorant.cs.umanitoba.ca
Total bytes copied to handin file was: 121
Handin was successful.